
Conix Architecten


Conix Architects was founded in 1979 by Christine Conix and through the years has grown into a highly successful office with 55 employees in Antwerp and Brussels, led by Christine Conix, architect Sylvie Bruyninckx and interior designer An Steylaerts.

Nordic Masters of Flower Arrangement


The international series Masters of Floral Art by Stichting Kunstboek Publishers has been very well received all over the world. Since 1993, various Belgian, Dutch, French, German and Swiss floral artists have contributed to this prestigious collection. The first titles have become true collector’s items.

Het Culinaire Standaardwerk van Marc Paesbrugghe


Welke keukenprinses kan op de markt weerstaan aan nieuwe polderbintjes, knapverse spinazie, heerlijke grijze garnalen, Belgisch witloof? Wie krijgt niet af en toe zin in ‘een’ gerecht met paling, lam of kip? Eenmaal thuis vragen we ons af wat te doen met onze aankoop. Wordt het weer het aloude recept? Samen met Marc Paesbrugghe en Della Bosiers, beiden bekend van het televisieprogramma Cordon bleu en fotograaf Bart Van Leuven, wandelen we in dit omvangrijke boek langs bekende en minder bekende ingrediënten. Telkens reiken de auteurs u een schat van informatie aan om van elke maaltijd, van voorgerecht tot dessert een waar culinair festijn te maken.

Wreaths – With how-to tutorials


Laura Dowling made a radical career change 15 years ago. A very successful turnaround that even brought her to the White House, where she was appointed Chief Floral Designer from 2009 to 2015. Since 2015, Laura has been involved in event design and consulting, travelling the world to share her unique vision and signature style, but most of all to inspire others with her personal success story.

Art and the Sacred in Mumuyeland


Despite some field research, our knowledge of the sacred among the Mumuye is very limited. In all these non-hierarchical groups, which are dichotomous and antinomian in composition, the va-complex predominates, which has a rich semantic meaning, with certain emphases prevailing depending on the circumstances. Religious power resides in sacred objects watched over by the elders.

A White House Christmas


The White House in Washington DC is undoubtedly one of the most iconic places in the US, but anyone who can visit it at Christmas time is definitely in for a special treat. During her six years as head floral designer, Laura Dowling was responsible for designing the showpieces and fairy-tale decorations that make the end-of-year period in the White House so memorable.

Jean-François D’Or. Moodboards


Unconstrained, poetic and timeless. That is how we can characterise the designs of Jean-François D’Or. The Belgian Designer of the Year 2013 does not put himself in the spotlight with large showpieces, but with his special talent he leaves his own mark on the field of smaller home and interior accessories such as bowls, lamps, vases, coat racks, door handles, mirrors,… Small touches that in all subtlety colour an interior and at the same time very ‘democratic’ design that can seduce a large public.

Curves. Thalen & Thalen


Throughout the centuries, silverware has been a source of inspiration for many artists. Religious silverware raised the profession to unprecedented heights, but in the course of the 20th century commissions became scarce. More and more studios had to close their doors and monumental silverwork soon disappeared into the background. Gradually, training also left something to be desired. Father Rob and son Jaap Thalen’s dream is to make the very best again: objects, utensils and works of art in silver such as have been hard to find for a long time. Monumental creations for which both the old craftsmanship and the most advanced techniques are required. Their designs take shape in Francorchamps, Belgium, and are appreciated worldwide.

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