Nature & garden

Architectes de jardins et paysagistes de France


This book presents the most beautiful projects of twenty renowned French garden and landscape architects. The reader will not only discover the creations of world-famous figures such as Michel Corajoud, Jacques Coulon, Allain Provost and Jacques Simon, but will also be introduced to the splendid work of ateliers and agencies of younger architects who have already acquired an excellent reputation: Louis Benech, Anne-Sylvie Bruel & Christophe Delmar, Cathérine Mosbach, Christine & Michel Péna and many others.



A book about all aspects of bamboo! Bamboo is increasingly finding its way into the garden. It is a plant that appeals to the imagination because of its appearance and origin. Yet it also scares some. Is it really an invasive plant and what about the mysterious flowering of bamboo?

Bomen Wereldwijd


Bomen behoren tot de oudste en tevens grootste levende getuigen van het leven op aarde. Hun imposante aanwezigheid maakt nog altijd indruk. Steeds weer weten ze te overleven in de meest extreme omstandigheden.

Bonsai – Noelanders Trophy 10 years


For 10 years, the Bonsai Association Belgium has organised an annual international bonsai exhibition in Heusden-Zolder. Each year, the exhibits were photographed by professional photographers, resulting in a wealth of visual material. On the occasion of the 10th edition of the Noelanders Trophy, 250 photos were selected for publication.



The success of the Hydrangea is no surprise. The beautiful leaves, the spectacular flowers and the decorative inflorescence are a real eye-catcher in the garden. For every garden, whether small or large, modern or traditional, one can find a suitable Hydrangea. There are hundreds of varieties, with leaves and flowers in various colours and shapes.

Jacques Simon


Jacques Simon (°1929) is undeniably an extremely important link in the renewal of French landscape architecture. For the first time in an oeuvre, Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian garden cultures are united with the typically Latin structured, classical architectural landscapes.

Orchid. The fatal attraction


In this publication, author Anne Ronse describes everything the orchid has ever stood for throughout history. Its seductive powers not only lure growers. Writers, scientists and adventurers also fall for the appeal of this fascinating flower.

The quest for the black rose


The ultimate reference in every rose lover’s library! The mysterious story of a more than 4 century old quest for the black rose. Does the black rose exist, or has it ever existed? The complete history of this noble flower, based on authentic research, shows that the quest for the black rose goes back to the very earliest botanical writings. The Quest for the Black Rose is a prestigious edition of 43 by 31 centuries with splendid artistic photographs of old and contemporary roses. This utmost high-quality book also contains beautiful old colour drawings of dark roses. Prominent florists of world renown show creations with this unique flower.

For the Dutch edition, see ‘De zoektocht naar de zwarte roos’