The unique success story of Extremis, which in just a few years has acquired an international reputation as a trendsetter in the field of outdoor furniture, is strongly linked to the enthusiastic personality and versatile talents of this designer-entrepreneur, who learned the ropes at a very young age as the son of a cabinetmaker-joiner. More than anyone else, he is inspired by a committed vision of design. He has a clear message. Design is not just about style icons or glamorous things, but much more about innovative solutions that can hopefully make the world a better place, hence the title Design Works? Convinced but always with the courage to question. Since 2007, Dirk Wynants Design Works or (dw)2 has existed autonomously and, in addition to Extremis, is also open to external design assignments.
Since the start of Extremis in 1994, Dirk Wynants has won numerous international awards. From the most prestigious design awards to awards for design management, general management and export (including Henry van de Velde Awards, Interior Innovation Award, (IMM Köln), Red Dot Award, International Excellence Design Award).
Serial Eater – Food Design Stories
€35.00De tentoonstelling SERIAL EATER in CID Grand-Hornu ontleedt dertig jaar van experimenteren met, en nadenken over het ‘object’ voedsel. De analyse van Food Design, vanaf de ontwikkeling ervan in de jaren negentig tot de implicaties vandaag, maakt het mogelijk om veranderingen in de consumptiegewoonten en de bewustwording rond het ‘food system’ te begrijpen.
Welk type van consument zijn wij, hoe beoordelen wij onze impact in het huidige bestel en wat accepteren wij op ons bord?