
Leave the Light on


Leave the Light on is Annelore Desmet’s tribute to women. Her captivating images are like poetry without words, but their beauty goes beyond the pretty picture. Suggestive and mysterious, these photographs tell a compelling story of authenticity, seduction and feminine power.

Annelore Desmet knows better than anyone that beauty is more than skin deep. With her trusted camera and light as her sole ally, she manages to meticulously capture every model’s essence, uniqueness and energy.

For Annelore, photography is more than a craft. It is an intuitive journey wherein she completely surrenders to her instincts and embraces the moment. Or, as Henri Cartier-Bresson once said: It is an illusion that photos are made with the camera… they are made with the eye, heart and head.


38 x 26,7 cm

144 pages, hard back

Multilingual edition: Dutch / French / English

Central Nigerian Art Revisited. Mumuye and Surrounding Peoples


In previous studies, Jan Strybol pointed out that – contrary to popular belief – sculpture flourished in northern Nigeria. Wood sculptures could be found just about everywhere, with the exception of part of the Far North. In this study, the author first examines the sculptural traditions of a number of peoples in central Nigeria, more specifically from the Jos Plateau and from the Middle Benue Valley to the source area of the Taraba River. These peoples can be described as non-centralised communities where art was mainly produced in perishable materials by part-time artists, in contrast to the centralised empires in the South (Ife, Benin) where full-time specialist sculptors created complex artefacts in durable materials (stone, bronze, iron).

Perhaps the most familiar ethnic group in the Central Benue region to lovers of African art are the Mumuye. Since the end of the last century, as a result of the advance of world religions, the traditional rites of the Mumuye have rapidly disappeared and with them the Mumuye sculptural tradition so much admired in Europe and America.

In addition to wood sculpture, Jan Strybol also pays attention to objects in bronze, iron, terracotta and other materials. These art forms have been very underexposed until now and have almost completely vanished. Finally, the author also delves into the artistic achievements of some little-known remnant groups within the Mumuye territory, which can boast of a rich art tradition.

28 x 21 cm
192 p, hardback
Also available in French: 978-90-5856-693-5

Ikebana. Opposites Attract


Our world is built upon the fusion of opposites going back and forth until they harmonise. Like the poles of a magnet, these antithetical concepts define each other and cannot exist without each other. Contrasts, opposites and differences keep life interesting even though keeping a balance between two opposing forces is often difficult, especially when we understand that one cannot be achieved without experiencing the other.  

Floral design, Ikebana in particular, is often a balancing act in itself. Ikebana pieces strive for harmony between straight and curved lines, a right balance between taking away and adding elements, between adhering to the rules and breaking them.   

Opposites Attractuses the idea of opposition and contrast as a starting point. Starting from an antonym pair, more than 150 international ikebanists created inspiring and powerful arrangements expressing two opposing feelings and concepts. The multifaceted ways in which these contrasts were given shape, attest to the creativity and ingenuity of our artists and the sheer versatility of Ikebana. 


29 x 24 cm

256 p, hard cover

English edition

L’Art de vivre en Provence. Arles, Les Alpilles & La Camargue


His search for top culinary addresses brought photographer Henk van Cauwenbergh to the region that thrilled him more than 30 years ago. During the unforgettable years working alongside the famous fashion photographer Peter Lindbergh, he lost his heart to Provence. Henk van Cauwenbergh shows us the pure and unspoilt Camargue, the romantic landscape of the Alpilles, the whimsical beauty of the rock formations of Les Baux and, last but not least, Arles, that beautiful historical art city that has so much to offer.

44 x 31 cm

176 pages, hard back

Texts in English and French

Creativity with Flowers. A Collection of Floral Recipes


Acclaimed florists Per Benjamin (SE) and Max van de Sluis (NL) share their extensive knowledge in the field of floral art in this voluminous recipe book. Step by step they create bouquets, table decorations, arrangements with cut flowers and plants, wedding flowers, sympathy pieces, festive Christmas decorations and other impressive designs for the home. This book compiles all eight volumes of the popular (and sold out) series Creativity with Flowers. It covers a nice mix of commercial and artistic designs and caters both to the hobbyist and the professional. In addition to the hundreds of arrangements, both florists graciously grant us a peek behind the scenes, they explain their way of working, sources of inspiration, thought process and creativity to encourage the reader to do more than merely copy their arrangements. The ultimate goal of this book is not only to provide the necessary tools and techniques, but also to give florists the confidence to develop into artists with a personal style and a unique artistic personality.

Mon Plat Pays


Jacques Brel immortalized the West Flanders hinterland; le plat pays, in more than one chanson. This flat land between the North Sea and Bruges is littered with picturesque villages such as Damme, Lissewege, Houtave or Ramskapelle. Idyllic, seemingly godforsaken places with whitewashed houses and messy farmyards.

The quest for the black rose


The ultimate reference in every rose lover’s library! The mysterious story of a more than 4 century old quest for the black rose. Does the black rose exist, or has it ever existed? The complete history of this noble flower, based on authentic research, shows that the quest for the black rose goes back to the very earliest botanical writings. The Quest for the Black Rose is a prestigious edition of 43 by 31 centuries with splendid artistic photographs of old and contemporary roses. This utmost high-quality book also contains beautiful old colour drawings of dark roses. Prominent florists of world renown show creations with this unique flower.

For the Dutch edition, see ‘De zoektocht naar de zwarte roos’