Hiroto Inoue. Funny Style
Japanese floral artist Hiroto Inoue, whose delightful charm and witty nature earned him the nicknamed ‘Funny’ in the floral design universe, excels in creating intricate geometric designs and compositions that often seem to defy gravity. His floral creations pair an incredible sensitivity with impeccable technique and testify of his boundless love of nature as well as his inner gentleness. Hiroto Inoue constructs solid and firm backdrops for his flowers with the thinnest and humblest of materials: slender blades of grasses, orchid roots, slivers of bamboo, strips of wood veneer and especially paper. These fascinating, carefully constructed backgrounds are adorned with few or just one single flower. It results in innovative designs that perfectly balance manmade and natural materials, structure and spontaneity.
33 x 24,5 cm
96 p, hard cover
Bilingual edition: Japanese / English