The best-selling flower arrangement is without doubt the bouquet. In this inspiration book, you will find one hundred bouquets created by five master florists (Jeanine & Bart Schampheleer of Domus Florum from Aalst, Palladio from Bruges, Anne-France Libert of Fleur d’Ô from Brussels, Patrick Houbrechts and Bea Verbeeck of Monet in Alken, Sofie Lannoy of Philo-sophie in Gits). They have created for you, through the seasons, beautiful bouquets around five themes: love, gratitude, farewell, atmosphere, invitation. In addition, you will be given original texts to accompany your occasional bouquet.
Poetical Ikebana
€59.90The combination of Ikebana and haiku results in a more than successful marriage. The similarity between the two arts goes far beyond their common Japanese origins. The seductive simplicity of the haiku, its sparse use of words and subtlety, its silences and deep grounds, its rhythms and seasons… These are only some of the characteristics that Haiku shares with Ikebana.