
Kiripi Katembo – Transit – RDC

Kiripi Katembo (1979-2015) photographs the urban chaos of the metropolis of Kinshasa. He brings out both the absurd and the beautiful. Reflections, dizziness, rescaling, colour contrasts and saturated shades of black make Kinshasa and its twin cities shine as never before.

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, 978-90-5856-517-4

Katembo paints with a camera, writes a story in images. With a poetic touch and the attentive gaze of an impressionist, he manages to bring the rapidly changing urban landscape to a standstill in one image. In a shutter speed, he captures the fleeting in an often dreamy and sometimes surreal image that speaks of eternity. By shifting the focus, Katembo makes the unattractive attractive, the transitory timeless and that which should remain hidden visible. He was one of the most promising artists of his generation. This monograph beautifully summarises his most fascinating series.