
Eva Rossie

Author's books

Les (Dés)habilleuses


For Les (Dés)Habilleuses, photographer Eva Rossie was inspired by gender roles and Laarne Castle. The former inhabitants of the castle are visually explored, room by room, through her own lens of the female gaze. The dresser is the main character. Because of her rather intimate position, she used to hear and see everything. There lies a contradiction within the dresser: she was like a panoptic secret camera, but she found herself in a vulnerable position at the same time. Rossie plays with the disparity between those who cover and reveal, those who see and hear everything, those who are kept small, and those who refuse the confinement of their shackles. Rossie’s characters invite a contemporary view on gender, without losing sight of history, since it is precisely what has been that serves as a starting point in the search for an alternative, contemporary view of what people can be. Presented to you are layered pictures like film stills with a vulnerable edge.


30 x 24 cm

112 p, soft cover

Bilingual edition: Dutch / English